Noel Hamilton Otieno
Master of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Dr. John Kandiri
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing & Information Technology, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Technology of Information and Communication emergence has offered means for better as well as faster communication, proficient storage, data retrieval, processing and exchange as well as information utilization to its clients, be they groups, individuals, businesses, governments or organizations. The aim of study was to examine the influence of i-Tax system on public delivery of service within Kenya Revenue Authority. The study was guided by following objectives; to determine how perceived usefulness of reduced service delivery costs influence public service delivery by Kenya revenue authority, to establish the effects of perceived ease of use of tax administration on public service delivery by Kenya revenue authority and to determine how intention to use i-Tax technical skills Influence public service delivery by Kenya revenue authority.  The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems theory which models how consumers come to accept as well as utilize a technology.  This research employed a descriptive survey kind of research design. The population of target included 96 members of public from Nairobi County and 63 members of public from Nyeri county systematic sampling were conducted. The data was gathered by use of structured questionnaires. The obtained data was analysed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21. Descriptive statistics, for example, mean, standard deviation, recurrence and rates was utilized as a part of analyzing quantitative information. Qualitative information was analyzed using content analysis.  The multiple regression model was used to establish relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. From the findings, the study revealed that i-Tax technical skills significantly influence public service delivery. The study recommended that KRA should consider offering occasional training on operating i-tax system to reduce the time taken in filing of returns. The study recommends that the members of public should be trained on the significance of filing the returns early to avoid the last minutes stress.

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