Salaash Kantai
Master of Science in Governance, Peace and Security, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, School of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences of Africa Nazarene University, Kenya
Dr. E. Okuto
Head of Governance, Peace and Security Department, Africa Nazarene University, Kenya


Cases of criminal related activities such stealing, assault, theft from motor vehicles and burglary have been on a steady rise in Nairobi County and specifically within the CBD for the past decade. Following these incidences, the County Government of Nairobi took the initiative to beef up security by using technology through the installation of over 40 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance cameras in many public areas within the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD). However, there is no documented literature and findings on the perceived effectiveness of these CCTV cameras in providing and maintaining physical security to the citizens accessing and residing or working in the Nairobi CBD. Nairobi and specifically the CBD, has in the past experienced the highest criminal offences among the big towns in Kenya. This study therefore sought to find out the perceived effectiveness of street mounted CCTV cameras in provision and maintenance of physical security in the Nairobi (CBD). The study specifically looked at; whether CCTV cameras have reduced crime in the streets of Nairobi CBD, the current working conditions of the CCTV cameras, the manning capacity of the security personnel and how to enhance the effectiveness of CCTV cameras in improving physical security in Nairobi CBD. The study used descriptive research design with a sample population of 456 respondents for data collection. The data collection instruments used were questionnaires. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the collected data. The study found that greater security surveillance has led to increased safety within the CBD since they have been able to deter criminals from engaging in criminal activities in the presence of CCTV cameras. The study also found out that, CCTV cameras were in good working conditions and strategically placed to provide proper surveillance. On the manning capacity of the personnel at the command centre, the study found out that, CCTV images are securely stored, with only a limited number of authorized persons having access to data. Regular checks were also found to be carried out by the management to ensure that the systems are working properly and produce high quality images. The study further found out that, CCTV cameras play a big role in charging and prosecuting present offenders hence deterring future criminals. CCTV cameras have also improved the deployment of police officers to crime hotspot areas in the Nairobi CBD. The study recommends that the government need to eestablish an independent authority for evaluation/assessment of CCTV utilities on crime prevention and reduction. Increase capacity building and training of personnel manning the command and control center including providing them with efficient and effective communication equipment’s, good enumeration and proper welfare. The study also recommends for further studies in other cities in Kenya that may include Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu and Eldoret to establish the effectiveness of CCTV cameras in enhancing physical security of these towns and deterring crime.

Full Length Journal (PDF)